I'm saying cartoony, but cartoony v. realistic is pretty different for different people. For example, @LeGardePourpre's image I would actually consider cartoony because "anime" protagonist. I can admit there are realistic features, but not so realistic ones too. I love JRPGs and anything that cartoony realistic style I'd adore. I do also object to the idea that cartoony styles will not necessarily be well detailed, so perhaps I should say I want detailed cartoony?
I don't know how best to describe it other than if it looks straight out of a JRPG, I'll love it; straight out of Adventure Time, I'll hate it. Sims 4, yes. Sims 2, yes. Sims 3, no. Sims 1, too dated to really judge but it does not offend my eyes like 3.