Forum Discussion

  • I would really love for them to give us another empty world. I was so happy when they gave us Newcrest but that was a long time ago now.
  • MrPlumbob's avatar
    Seasoned Traveler
    I rarely use Oasis Springs, but recently I've been remodeling it myself. I agree that an empty world like Oasis Springs would be nice to have. I tend of think of Newcrest as being nearby Willow Creek, with Willow Creek being the residential neighborhood and Newcrest being the downtown area with shops and restaurants and the like. Being able to do the same with Oasis Springs would be nice. I don't have the pack, but I think Strangerville looks somewhat like Oasis Springs. I know some people group those together. It's not the same as having another free empty world though.
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  • I always use Newcrest in my many Legacy restarts in the aim of completely filling it with my family. I have only managed it once. I also have two permanent cemetaries here....a sim one and a pet one.