"Lady_Ballora;c-17935546" wrote:
I miss the days when Sims was just about having fun and not being all about representation. We always had fun in Sims 1, Sims 2 and Sims 3....sadly,Sims 4 has become all about represention and being inclusive. I'm really hoping Sims 5 will be just like Sims 1-3,where everyone just had fun and nobody cared about being represented.
I'm sure people cared in the early days of The Sims franchise/brand. Otherwise now it wouldn't be so important to The Sims brand now. Some people will buy and support a brand if they are socially responsible. In videogames this means representation and inclusion to add in a positive image. If a company has a bad reputation using social responsibility is like a stage magician using sleight of hand and misdirection when "sawing" a lady in half. It makes the public focus on the good they are doing rather than the bad or even shady stuff that they might be doing. If a company has an ok or highly positive reputation social responsibility improves its already stellar public image. If you understand how socially responsible marketing works for a corporation you understand that sometimes all the things that come across as being politically correct can sometimes be their way to stay hip and keep from being "that brand" that enraged a ton of people on social media.