I get what you're saying, I do. But there are some parts of your point that I have to respectfully disagree with.
While I defintely understand the need for a more diverse range of representation, I don't think it should be done at the expense of other features. Especially when it's gameplay that a lot of the fanbase wants -- like farming with Cottage Living.
Occults are my main form of gameplay and part of why I actually quite enjoy TS4 despite the flaws it does have. I desperately want Werewolves, Faeries and more. And as far as I'm concerned, occult content takes the backburner enough as it is. I don't want to see it get pushed aside even more because the devs decide to focus more on representation, which I feel Sims is already doing pretty good on. Others feel family gameplay is neglected and would rather see the resources go to that rather than representation, which would mostly be visual things or simple additions.
I'm not saying we shouldn't have more of the things you mentioned like anime, tea ceremonies, stage shows, etc. But rather, they should come as a smaller addition to a pack that's centered around a broader theme that people do want. I agree Snowy Escape being a Japanese inspired and winter sports in one is a bit of an odd combination, but the fact that it introduced something a lot of people wanted -- ie winter activities as well as bringing in some of the missing representation made.
Similarily, a lot of people want a Medieval pack... so instead of focusing on England again, how about a Nordic or Scandanivan Viking Era inspired pack, which is similar enough in regards to time period? Sure it wouldn't bring about modern representation of Nordic peoples unless it was some sort of time-travel pack too, but it would be a way to bring about both content people want in terms of gameplay and representation. That way in representing other reigions, gameplay people want to see wouldn't have to be put on hold.
Or pehaps we could get Native American (and probably Candian First Nation people too)representation in conjunction with some kind of occult? It would make sense considering the wide variety of myths and folklore among the different tribes, and would give us both a new occult lifestate and representation. Two birds with one stone again.
The lack of representation problem isn't with farming or occults, but rather that those packs tend to re-represent regions we've already had. Let's say in theory, that farming had come with a pack centered around Italy + Vineyards rather than rural England, wouldn't that be considered "more representation?" (by the way, I for one am glad they chose England as inspiration rather than America for Cottage Living. This is just a hypothetical proposition.)