6 years ago
Am I the only one who feels a little m'eh with Realm of Magic? I've been playing for a few hours and I just don't get the same excitement as I did with vampires or even Spa Day! Glimmerbrook looks ...
"OEII1001;c-17253002" wrote:"To7m;c-17252913" wrote:
Besides sunlight (which is part of vaunt a vampire) what other consequences do vampires have? Tbh, vamps are pretty consequence free. They can’t die from most deaths, don’t need the toilet, can’t die of thirst. What else is there? Lose a duel?
EVERY sim or potion has a backfire or curse. Trust me, overloading your power is the least of your worries.
While you can min-max your vampire, you can also make them pretty miserable. So, yes, you can have a vampire that is wracked by random bouts of extreme sadness, is tense from sun-up to sun-down, still has to bathe, and chat, make all social interactions far more difficult, and be constantly famished by having their thirst motive decrease faster while requiring them to drink more to fill it.
Spellcasters don't really have any of that. They're playing something like 2nd Edition where you only get stronger as you level, while vampires are playing GURPS, where your perks per level are balanced by quirks.