"Simmingal;c-17979059" wrote:
there is also lots of items with romance mentions in build buy since few packs back
and Agnes, the queen herself, could be also considered to be hint as she is romance pack npc originally
i just wish all these little hints would actually materialize into romance pack already
+it better dang come with couple dancing
I feel everything about this post. Especially the gif. At this point, I'm just sick of hoping though. I'm just like "right, call me when it's done". Maybe Covid messed up their production, but if all these hints really are hints, I'm just sick of waiting for it now.
I still hope the wolf eel/wolfsbane/phases of the moon things will materialise into a Werewolves pack beforehand though. They can have some references to 'animal attraction', leading to a romance EP in...December? Christmas would be a nice time for a romance pack. But then it would also be a nice time for lots of other packs.