Forum Discussion
Thanks for sharing how you administrate your game. It's interesting, as my own savew is 10 years old and I (try to) play all households which must count close to 800 sims by now. The biggest negative is that I need longest time span, and my sims age veeeery slowly. There are still a few elders in my game that were created as YA back in 2014.
I have several routines for keeping track on the progress.
Most important is a spreadsheet where I group households by world and hood. Each houseold has one line per sim, when they move or die I color their info gray. The first few columns include notes regarding to-do. When I start a new sims year, I will check for upcoming birthdays as well as who should try for a baby (using a dice to allow for a touch of faith). The good thing re spreadsheets is that I easily can add more pages with misc background info from my sim universe, like rules, schools, elections etc.
The spreadsheet tells the story of each lot/household. The individual info is mainly static, like DNA, preferences and family relations. I have another system online where I add bigger events to each sim's "life line" (example), there I also can access their family trees. I programmed this online stuff in javascript, and in the past other simmers were interested in a copy, but the system has grown into a monster including way too many scripts and details to make sense to others. When starting I had no idea how much it would grow, and it's now too late for re-programming. There is also a "community section" helping me to keep track on community matters, combined with my blog.
I also keep some photos from households, but mainly formal photos (like a posing group photo including their family, or single sim portraits), not from their everyday life. I have created one folder per family and for some political/community groups, to easily navigate.
- miklc2 months agoSeasoned Adventurer
This is incredible work Simmerville - 800 sims...wowza!! I love you much detail you capture, I truly wish there was a singular application where simmers could document everything in one place - screenshots, storylines, individual profiles, family trees etc.
- Simmerville29 days agoLegend
Thank you miklc It actually gets a bit to much for a rotation. I mostly remember all names and where they reside, but it happens that I run into someone looking familiar but not quite sure wh they are, typically when someone grew up recently. But yes, it would be nice if the game had some sort of an integrated records system for keeping track on a larger population, including stats and overviews for anything from what careers are not well covered to what N.A.P.s are active in all the hoods. Would be quite easy to program as all info already exist.
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