"MHsimsFan;c-17358072" wrote:
Anyone played more with this? I just bought University today as I don't have any teen sims ready to go, but it was on half price so I couldn't resist. I was going to wait until someone came up with a good plan for managing the rotational play, even with a mod. But it doesn't appear that there is one yet. I have read through the other posts and was hoping someone who has been learning how to manage this can confirm my assessment below...
Currently, how I read it, is that you will need to play your university sim at least the length of the semester before rotating to the next family. That student then needs to 'not' re-enroll as you play the other families. However, they will need to move into another 'non-dorm" lot or a dorm which as been re-designated as residential or else they will be kicked out. When you come back to that sim, you will need to re-enroll them in university again and move them back into the dorm. Can they just pick up where they left off? Do they need to start all over again?
Yes, they will pick up where they left concerning the degree. The game doesn't really care what term your sim will start. Game is only counting how many classes they got. So if your sim already got a decent grade in 6 classes, you will mix a set of new classes for your next term. Each sim must take minimum 3 terms (each 4 classes), but if you fail with just one class/subject, you will need to take a final term for the one class only, so maybe it's just as strategic aiming for 4 terms.
The other students in the dorm might change though, so your sim will not always pick up with the social life as he left it. But I guess some NPC students are replaced occasionally anyway. Basically - the only difference is the moving out and back in between terms. Unless you clutter up your dorm room, I don't think there is a lot of hassle.
Added thanks @ChampandGirlie - needing to reapply for scholarships for each term is definitely a hassle... how could I forget about that - it actually costed my students a lot that I started next term before scholarships were granted.