Forum Discussion

moppy14w's avatar
Seasoned Newcomer
5 years ago

Screenshots; balancing numbers, organising, memories and generally dealing with them.

I’m wondering if you all take screenshots and if you do how you deal with them?

I have a new Sim and I would really like to create some memories/document her story. I find it can be difficult to balance taking screenshots of all the funny and great moments, {like that picture with a cosplayer at geek con or the look on your neighbours face when she finally comes to the apartment door (in a towel) to deal with your complaint} with what would actually pose long term, valued memories.

I’m not sure if the in-game memory system is any good, but I’m talking about just on my own computer outside of the game too. It’s only Thursday evening of week one in this new save and already I have about 20 screenshots I wouldn’t mind keeping.
And there is the other in game system, where Sims can take (and display) photographs. That results in multiple of the same selfie in the Sim inventory as well as the screenshot folder back IRL.

So, yeah, what ideas and stuff have you come up with for dealing with screenshots?
  • I tried the in game memory system but it's so frustrating because of the points you raise. Bulking the screenshots folder and generating unneeded load.

    I organise the screenshots and memories of my current 5th generation sim family into subfolders. You could always make a thread or blog and write what happened alongside the screenie too.
  • Every few days I go through my screenshots folder and choose the ones that stand out the most, and save them in a folder on my desktop (I play generationally, so I tend to have 1 folder for each heir sim), and then I also have started making a powerpoint of my sim story. So the first slide for each generation I have a big picture of that sim (usually together with their parent), and then a list of key facts about their life, where they lived, who they married, what job they had, how many children etc. Just things to help me remember the key things, and then I have a slide for pictures of their childhood, a slide for adulthood, and a slide for family photos so I can see how the family has changed from them being born to having a family of their own.
    And then I do this for each new generation.
    It means that now I can go through all the folders if I want more in depth memories, but if I go to the powerpoint, I can get a recap of all of my sims through 30 different generations and I love it! (If you do it regularly it doesnt feel like such a huge undertaking).
  • I really hate how screenshots are handled in the Sims 4. More often than not, they appear out of order and make you sort by date. Instead of being called 'Screenshot_001' they are called '12-22-17_10-45-12 PM' so you can have two different years put next to each other, depending on the month you took it. Also, the American time/date format throws me off.
  • I struggle with screenshots not showing up in chronological order in my screenshots folder, despite sorting by date. This makes taking and managing screenshots all the more frustrating. I also look forward to seeing how other people manage their screenshots!

    That being said, do you just hit "C"? Or have you found a more sophisticated/better way to screenshot the game? I have been using the in-game capture feature thus far.
  • I use Microsoft 365 + Publisher. 365 is a yearly subscription. I have it for work and home. I can write virtual stories with pictures in book form. I don't ever print them. I had the software anyway so I started using it to enhance the game. My daughter-in-law likes looking at them.
  • I only take screenshots to share with others about what's going on in my game. I do have random screenies of my favorite Sim, however.
  • Dont really organise mine. I do however regularly do a bulk conversion to JPG or WEBP as PNGs can take up a lot of space

  • I don't use the in-game screenshot tool very often; most of my screenshots are captured with an external program called Skitch. This not only lets me easily grab bits of the game UI (like notification boxes or moodlet descriptions), it also allows me to easily drag the image anywhere on my computer rather than having them all collect in one folder, and I can sort them as I take them rather than after the fact.

    I have my screenshots separated into folders for each house, and then each house has subfolders for each round. Here's an idea of what my system looks like:


    The only screenshots that do go in the main Screenshots folder are ones from when my Sims take photos with the in-game camera. I do keep some of these as well, but I make a point to go in and delete out the duplicates and pare down to the ones I really like so they don't take up too much disk space. I then move these to a separate folder as well. (I also tend to open them up and crop them during this process.)

    Using an external program also helps me be more inentional about what I take screenshots of. Rather than just hitting "C" as my game plays, I have to pause my game and capture the screenshot, then swipe back to my main desktop to label and drag it to the right folder. Because of this, I don't tend to end up with a lot of "extra" screenshots stored on my computer.

    As far as keeping track of your Sims' memories, there's a million ways to do that. I do it on a Blogger site, but you could just as easily do it in Powerpoint or even just in an Word document. Pretty much anything you can do with real life photos, you can do with your Sims screenshots.
  • I can understand why they go by date, instead of number, some people can build up ridiculous amouts of screenshots. But they should use ISO date aand time rather than the messy American one.