@littlehelp Hmmm...never heard of that one, I've had a few bugs that no one else seemed to have; like not being able to do a super sell, or harvest on my garden which was inside a greenhouse, which was on the third floor (many bugs up there) I moved it off the top floor and onto the ground and it fixed the issue. Maybe you could try completely remodeling your kitchen, like remove the walls, counters everything and build it back...possibly even move the room to a different location. This is why I suggest that; one time in the vet clinic I owned and built. Sims (my employees too) gathered with a pet or two in a small bathroom and didn't leave for a long time, well after a while I decided to go into build mode and remove some of the walls around the door and the door itself, I then went into live mode and the sims finally left the bathroom and continued as normal...then later I rebuilt the walls and door, issue never occurred again so messing with build mode could possibly help. Sometimes traveling to a different lot fixes certain things but I feel like that will not with your issue. Xbox support staff, told me a way to power cycle your console(Xbox one) that goes a step further than the typical power cycle, you might could try that...heres how you do it: first while your console is on, press and hold power button on console till it turns off....completely, next remove the power cable, HDMI cable and ethernet cable and leave them unplugged for 2 minutes.....now plug them back in and wait one minute. Now turn on your console. This is the official way to power cycle I would say as it came from Xbox staff themselves, it may or may not help. If it's not too big an issue you could move to a different house. Thats about all ideas I got, besides a reinstall but you wouldn't do that over just one issue.