Forum Discussion

rafaelle_33's avatar
3 hours ago

Question about bb.moveobject.

I've been playing The Sims for a very long time (since The Sims 2). I'm currently playing The Sims 4 with lots of cheats, CC, and mods. However, there's one thing I can't figure out. I always use the bb.moveobjects cheat, and it works perfectly. The only issue is when I try to place something on a counter, dresser, or desk—I can't move those items freely. I’d love to add clutter, but I can’t get it to work. Everything else, like furniture and decorations, moves freely.

Please help a girl out!

Thank you in advance!!

1 Reply

  • Items tend to 'snap' to certain surfaces, even with MOO on. You could always use the 9 key to raise an item to the appropriate height, hold down the Alt key to get it to the horizontal position you want and then add the counter/desk afterwards. 

    You can see I have raised the cup to the height of a counter (using MOO and 9), I can use Alt to move it around and then add another counter underneath it:


    Here, I have used MOO and 9 to raise 3 random items to the height of the nearby counter, held the Alt key to move them to approx where I thought I wanted them (it's a little hit-and-miss) and then added a counter underneath.