Forum Discussion

kusurusu's avatar
3 years ago

Sim with Ancient Spellcaster Bloodline and Greater Wolf Blood possible?

Or do those traits cancel each other out? What about Father Winter's Baby?
  • I just found a method which might work:
    -Human with ancient bloodline (this should be possible) + werewolf (-> 50/50 chance of dormant/actual werewolf)
    -Turn one of your dormant weres (who should have the strong bloodline trait) into a spellcaster
    -Turn Father Winter into a werewolf
    -Let your new spellcaster have babies with werewolf Father Winter (without him moving in)
    -Offspring should be of ancient bloodline, greater wolf blood, as well as father winter's baby

    Anyone willing to test?

    p.s. Sulani Mana can be picked up at any point
  • Tested it. It took quite a long time, but in the end I got a strong bloodline with the ancient aswell
  • EgonVM's avatar
    Seasoned Ace
    Hmm... Good question...

    I know that for the spellcaster bloodline trait, the baby doesn't have to be a spellcaster, just one of the parents have to be one. For example, I had a vampire and a spellcaster have a baby and the baby came out as a vampire with weak spellcaster bloodline trait.

    With Father Winter and spellcaster, then they'll get both of the traits. This will always be the case if Father Winter has been turned into a spellcaster.

    So, my theory is that no, they won't cancel each other out.
  • I just found a method which might work:
    -Human with ancient bloodline (this should be possible) + werewolf (-> 50/50 chance of dormant/actual werewolf)
    -Turn one of your dormant weres (who should have the strong bloodline trait) into a spellcaster
    -Turn Father Winter into a werewolf
    -Let your new spellcaster have babies with werewolf Father Winter (without him moving in)
    -Offspring should be of ancient bloodline, greater wolf blood, as well as father winter's baby

    Anyone willing to test?

    p.s. Sulani Mana can be picked up at any point
  • - Both parents need to be (dormant) werewolves, if I'm not mistaken
    - Dormant werewolf trait is assigned at birth -> not available for Father Winter -> has to become a werewolf
    - Other parent needs to be a spellcaster with strong/ancient bloodline
    - Spellcaster can't be a werewolf at the same time -> needs dormant trait

    Which means... one parent needs to be Father Winter who is also a werewolf, the other one a spellcaster with a strong/ancient bloodline and dormant werewolf trait.
  • Hi kusurusu,
    Did you manage to do it?
    If you did can you share how?