Forum Discussion

Simmerville's avatar
Seasoned Ace
2 years ago

Simology Newborn > Infant > Toddler > Child

I would really like to learn more about how each life stage will (or might) affect a sim later in life. Previously we had that high toddler skills would make it easier for the sim to learn skills in the future, and in the future we know sims can learn some adult skills as child. But how about the first stages of a sim's life?

Although the Newborn is still pretty much an object, the personality is probably already in the shaping, because it will soon grow into an infant. Newborns do react on misc stuff, and no we can even assign their favorite feeding routine. I can't see how this affect them as infants or toddlers, but I really hope it does. I want there to be a difference when I pay good attention to a newborn, or when I neglect it.

Infants even get a temporary trait, and I must admit I was a tad disappointed seeing the trait is random, as the toddler trait is. I like to think that "calm infants is typical for the Jones family, while the Stone family often have intense infants". I think the infant trait could have been a result of how we treated the newborn. It would make sense, and anyone disliking this, could easily adjust it in CAS anyway.

But how do the infant stage influence the toddler stage? Will their food preference be a thing for the toddler, too? Will the toddler remember the infant's favorite toy? Will toddler trait be a result of the infant's trait + infant's milestones?

I guess it's a tad early to know all these things and more, but with the pack release tomorrow it's time to find out! :) Pls share whatever you read or discover.
  • lilsimsie said that a child who is taught how to ride a bike vs just learning on their own will have the ability to teach their own children faster..

    Who knows? Maybe there will be lots of things that shape them in to who they become.
  • Infants can earn either a Top-Notch Infant, Happy Infant, or Unhappy Infant trait based on how they were cared for (attachment). Not sure exactly what it does, but the description says it's about how they will see the world later in life?

    Edit: see article here
  • EgonVM's avatar
    Seasoned Ace
    Child skills got a change in the patch, now allowing them to build adult skills too. Previously, they had to max out one of the fundamental skills first (mastering Mental skill will allow them to build Logic, Video Gaming, and Fishing skills).

    The adult skill gain is slower. And unfortunately, maxing out the respective skill won't boost it to normal gain (maxing out Mental skill won't boost Logic, Video Gaming, and Fishing skill gain). And that is a disappointment...

    But at least you can easily have children be good singers without having them to max out their Creativity skill.

  • Barely got the patch. Had two babies, turned them into "infants". From what I see so far, they have no skills or anything. Just "objects" that aren't confined to the bassinet anymore. Still have to feed them, change diapers, of course. Basically the same things of "Talk", "Bounce" "Cuddle" etc with a couple extra actions now I think like put them to bed and stuff. More interactive though since they can move around.

    A nice improvement. In my opinion.

    Though I've been trying to get more teens in my game now after having the High School pack. So planned to get them through toddler and child to teen as quickly as possible.
    I've had a shortage of teens for awhile now since they really couldn't do much. With the Home Schooling mod, child can be fun. Run all over the worlds doing tasks for the day sometimes. Like read 2 books at a library, singe karaoke for an hour, collect 3 frogs, and improve a skill often too, and other daily tasks.

    Getting off topic here. Basically I think "infant" is really just a more fun baby. (Or less-boring, depending on your point of view, heh heh!) ;)
  • "telemwill;c-18243681" wrote:
    @Admiral8Q Homeschooling mod?

    Haven't tried it after the major patch. Don't know if it still works. Apparently "child" and Toddlers" both have been also changed in addition to "Babies". I'll try to remember to test it out. But with other mods broken, I'm still waiting on fixes. At least the broken ones are only partially broken, game is still playable. Cooking doesn't work, ordering delivery doesn't work. Even going to a restaurant or cafe or bar etc, the NPC's can't prepare the food either. Drinking doesn't work, not even water from a sink.

    I have been feeding my played sims with cakes, lol! I have a tiny room saved from a long time ago with cakes in it. So when I plop that down in build mode, I can move a cake out then delete the room.


    For the homeschooling mod, it didn't work for teens anymore when I first got it, but it did for "child". Technically you could have up to 7 children and one adult in a household and all the children could "Work from home" rather than go into the "rabbit-hole". You could put down stuff needed for their task in the residential home lot. But anything requiring a certain venue, like library, pool, museum, park, etc... Could jump (travel) around all over the worlds as needed, but I found having a school with all the tasks needed, then changing the venue as needed, worked excellent. Any adults that travel with the children you could consider the teacher(s).

    That "High School" I posted here earlier was originally for that purpose. Some things you still had to do off-lot in the open world like finding frogs or catching fish.
  • "Admiral8Q;c-18243779" wrote:
    "telemwill;c-18243681" wrote:
    @Admiral8Q Homeschooling mod?

    Haven't tried it after the major patch. Don't know if it still works. Apparently "child" and Toddlers" both have been also changed in addition to "Babies". I'll try to remember to test it out. But with other mods broken, I'm still waiting on fixes. At least the broken ones are only partially broken, game is still playable. Cooking doesn't work, ordering delivery doesn't work. Even going to a restaurant or cafe or bar etc, the NPC's can't prepare the food either. Drinking doesn't work, not even water from a sink.

    I have been feeding my played sims with cakes, lol! I have a tiny room saved from a long time ago with cakes in it. So when I plop that down in build mode, I can move a cake out then delete the room.


    For the homeschooling mod, it didn't work for teens anymore when I first got it, but it did for "child". Technically you could have up to 7 children and one adult in a household and all the children could "Work from home" rather than go into the "rabbit-hole". You could put down stuff needed for their task in the residential home lot. But anything requiring a certain venue, like library, pool, museum, park, etc... Could jump (travel) around all over the worlds as needed, but I found having a school with all the tasks needed, then changing the venue as needed, worked excellent. Any adults that travel with the children you could consider the teacher(s).

    That "High School" I posted here earlier was originally for that purpose. Some things you still had to do off-lot in the open world like finding frogs or catching fish.

    Sounds really cool!