I can play happy, get ahead, sweet family sims... but my go to is deviant play.
I confess to townie kidnap for many and varied nefarious means. Including but not limited to financial gain, genetic experiments (have to let them go home later), sex change operations.. with the help of CAS cheats and fullfillment of aspirations in an easier manner. For example if I need to be mean/ mischievous to a sim for the criminal career it's easier when you get home to have an assistant living (yeah assistant sure) in your home and victim/victims behind locked doors. It also helps for other aspiration fulfillment to a point.
I would definitely keep blood victims if I played vampires regularly.. but I like to also lock them up if they don't have the power to escape or find ways to keep them in the sunlight to kill them off. Vampires should know better than to knock on my door.
I also like to go into sims homes with the always welcome trait just to cause issues between husbands and wives, ect then I clog their toilets. Steel bladder is great.
Oh wait.. I'm suppose to feel bad about these? Opps, nevermind.