I'm deaf, I don't mind deaf in the game, but I don't do readlip, something I don't get it in all my life, all I see mouth/touge moving and I don't understand at all, I just used phone to text or write paper to hearing peoples. if disable is in game, don't gave it downside, and it's should option. when I said downside, I mean deaf can do as much hearing sims can do, but upside, like deaf can dance to music if music is loud cause room shake it up or soundwave on floor, they felt on floor and wall shake yet they can sleep thought loud tvs, vampire, and even fire alarm but fire can't harm them, vampire can't drain deaf sims, deaf immune to troublemaker magic from spellcaster, ect, same for any kind of disable. Basic just gave benefits to disable more than normal sims, more superpower than normal sims that way, maybe some people might not felt hurt by this but maybe not, but for me, it's not much matter to me, it's don't had to be in game, Sims 4 game is petty much good game, beside need fixing bug here and there.
I couldn't care whatever it's in or not as long there is solution and do not block opportunity something that many disable people do not had opportunity in real life, like high career job or even dating or even create family. I think disable people like me do not like to be cast out, left out and no opportunity to grow, whatever it's career, income, relationship, ect, if that is in game, then yes it's would be bad and do remain disable just like real life, no opportunity or block growing in career or income, and important one relationship with other human who are not disable. I am petty much broken, and got used to it, I got good people helped me, but it's was never enough bring me to joy as I'm sort of feel and am trapped in this world system, unable to grow or improve. Oh well, as I said I used to it and numbed to it. Sims 4 Sims had easiest life than real world, all rights beside freewill and it's not real but fantasy.
disable people are just people, one disable people might don't like, while other disable people might love it, other is so-so but in the end, most important is had compassion on all, whatever one able and ability strong to had compassion on all, not some.
Edit: Sims 4 is like almost better than this real life world, where disable do not exist where every sims are healthly, Petty much Sims world can be far better than this real world, because of fantasy, maybe sims do not had a disable in their near perfect world.