"PlayerSinger2010;c-17286918" wrote:
I know it's been mentioned in the past that the team is open to disabilities. I wouldn't mind seeing physical disabilities at all, but I personally draw the line at mental disabilities. I really would hate to see my sims suffer from anxiety like I do. I play to get away from that sort of thing, not to constantly be reminded of it.
"doogerie;c-17288719" wrote:
as a diabeld person i don't want disablatys in my game it plum every day is a struggel i play the sims to forget that aspect of my life why woud i wan't to be reminded of it i get enogth of that irl
I empathize with you and everyone that suffers from anxiety, depression, autism, and other mental/physical disabilities. A long time ago, I was very depressed, not suicidal, but just depressed, and thankfully with strong support from friends and family, I got over my depression. However, I never really thought about the Sims 4 from your perspective, a safe haven from real-life problems. For me, it's a fun game that I play from time to time where I can explore different storylines. But you know what? Y'all are right, there is no right reason or way to play the game. Everyone plays the game like they want to, some for the fun of it, others do it as a career and others to escape their demons.
"king_of_simcity7;c-17287550" wrote:
Disability in The Sims might be welcome but how could it be done respectfully?
That's a good question. If they are gonna represent something, put effort into it. They took more than 4 years just to add hijabs, and that's about it when it comes to Muslim representation. I think EA tries to keep their game very neutral: your sims don't really have a gender preference, you can make your male sims get pregnant and your female sims through CAS (transgender sims?), there is no religious aspect or cultural aspect outside of traditional clothing. Bullyism in the sims is also very minimal, I think sometimes your children will get a pop up saying "I'm getting bullied what should I do?" (Parenthood DLC)
This thread is very enlightening and eye-opening. This topic is delicate and raw, and I feel like it's never talked about, but I can understand why now. I love how broad, open-minded and respectful this community is: so many people with different stories, different backgrounds joined in one place to play a game we all love and enjoy, regardless of the countless bugs that occur in the game.
Anyway, if those are robotic arms are inventions, then is EA hinting at a possible futuristic pack? We'll just have to see what the future has in store for us.