If somebody is offering criticism that is fine. I think the problem some the people have now is they have been raised to always be rewarded and aren't taught that failure builds character and how to accept constructive criticism. There is a difference between being critical and pointing out things that bad in a way to improve and downright trolling. Trolling is meant to be mean spiteful and a form of bullying. Criticism may hurt someone's feelings but personally, I welcome failures as much as success. Success teaches us what we can do at our best failures teach us to better think a problem and improve. I personally am my own worst critic too.
Sometimes you have to rant when you want to get your point across. It's not being toxic in my opinion. Sometimes you try civilised polite ways of doing things but those don't work. You feel as though you are a faint whisper amongst a crowd of shouting individuals and you can't speak any louder than you already are. This can be very upsetting, toxic and triggering to some and out of both love for this franchise and the pain of being ignored and forgotten people have had enough and start a rant. That isn't toxic just that we all have our "breaking point" and you never know what is going on in other simmers lives when they start a rant. There could be a lot of things happening in the lives of others and their way to distress and unwind has failed to help them. There are many things that trigger rants.
Everyone get a cat or dog and start petting them. It'll make you forget all the toxicity on the internet Plushies work too by squeezing and holding them. You are never too old for plushies.
My niece pointed out that when you don't see a face you might be a little ruder kind of like talking smack behind someone's back.