VR won't run on this game engine. So it isn't going to happen in Sims 4. EA's Frostbite 3 game engine will run VR but that game engine needs a real good high end gaming pc to run it well - and who knows if the Sims will ever get put on the mighty Frostbite 3. I mean that would be amazing - but I'd also question the way the Sims is developed - would the Frostbite 3 even be feasible. It's been a dream of mine for a while, but I seriously wonder if a game built in increments could adequately work well with that engine - seeing it runs EA's massive games and MMO , etc.
Of course I am already sure I could never take VR anyway - not on pc anyway - I get seriously ill within minutes of use on a pc with VR and stopping the use of the VR does not stop the illness - but that does not make me not want to see Sims on Frostbite 3 - LOL.