This time I hope they get it right with the Sim left at home when your Sim travels to a different lot and or world. Like change out of your's 4 O'clock in the afternoon. Get dressed! lol Clean up the house while I'm gone. Finish your homework, take a bath, don't wait on me to come back and do it for you. lol And for goodness sake, if I left you skilling silly Sim, then at least finish one level. Oh, and yes, intutitive, my Sim is on the way home, those at home should have known they were hungry and prepared a meal for the returning Sim. :p Oh, and if I had to take one to the grocery store (please) then the others should ask my Sim, 'where have you been?!' we are starving, where are the groceries? lol
Doesn't it ever bother any of you these Sims never have to buy toothpaste, deodrant, and toilet paper? I think there should be a world where they have to go and get the things real people need. Like a hammer, nails, toilet paper, books, I so hope the pc isn't the only way to order things in the next game. Amazon isn't the quickest way to get something when there is a store across the street. :o
I also hope this particular world has art and furniture, and as much as I love buy mode for building a home etc. once a Sim moves in I think they should have to go buy this stuff afterwards, and buymode no longer available for them. If you have finished a home and moved them in. :D