Forum Discussion

ImDragone's avatar
3 years ago

Sims Being Offensive Out Of Control

They don't have traits like Mean or Evil, but they won't stop going, "Blaw-blaw-blaw!" with talking hands at people out of control.
It's highly offensive and they won't stop.

This started tonight. They've never behaved this way before.

No mods. No CC.
  • Do you have ECO Lifestyles installed?

    If you do, have you checked to see what NAP is active? It could be "Roughhousing Encouraged" causing all of the ruckus and mayhem going on.
  • That sounds like the funny social 'Do an impression'. My sims have been doing that one autonomously a lot lately. For some reason sims are really hooked on it. I have NAPs disabled so I don't think that's the cause.
  • Could it be this? It's a bug that was once fixed, but reappeared in the latest patch for many people.
    HQ user lazarusinashes has found that it's a mistake in the Loyal trait coding, which involved changes to many mean interactions.