@Charlotta11 I use a free open-source image editing program called GIMP to make the speech and thought balloons. You can easily do a search for "GIMP - GNU Image Manipulation Program" and find the site if you want to try it out. But probably other image editing software that uses layers and has different kinds of selection tools, curve making tools, and text tools should work well. GIMP is just the one I am familiar with.
I actually use a presentation program similar to MS Power Point (Called SoftMaker Presentations) to do the sound effect lettering, because GIMP doesn't have good options for distorting the shape of the text and having it still be editable, but Power Point and SoftMaker do.
That clip is the easiest to share here because it doesn't have any additional narrative between the pictures, and it's probably my best stand-alone. Most of the work I've done making sims comics has been in the three SimLit stories I mentioned, which I'm not ready to share online yet, but I do plan to... eventually :lol: