"JueJue;d-995413" wrote:
I've played this version of the sims since it came out and in all that time have had 1 sim die of laughter. In the last 3 weeks, I've had two sims die of laughter. What is going on? Anyone else notice this suddenly?
No, but my very first death by Hysteria, was two very close family members to my Rock Star. Both at the save Event one, after the other. That was shocking enough, but oddly satisfying in that finally something other than dying of Old Age had occurred spontaneously in my game. Yay! for that. But oddly enough, my Rock Star became a 'target' of the game. He died twice and was on his way to a third very untimely death when another player asked if I hadn't made a back up of my saves prior to whatever Patch that one was. I had. I switched out the saves and picked up where things left off at the time just prior to the Patch and went quite a ways without my Sim dying. Thankfully, he hasn't died since. But, I confess, once I experienced it, I set MCCC to prevent it again. It was one of those been there, done that, don't need to do it again, moments for me.
All of this to say, no, I haven't been experiencing this, but then again MCCC keeps it from happening. Perhaps, another player will come by and share.