4 years agoRising Veteran
Sims eat too fast!
My sim families can never all sit down and eat at the same time like previous games. Is there a mod for slower eating? Thanks
"CAPTAIN_NXR7;c-17980557" wrote:
I prefer the slow eating.
This entire “fix” goes to show what kind of society we live in. Zero patience and an inability to manage a more balanced lifestyle.
Funny that this fix was focused on sims filling their needs quickly so they can get to work or school on time.
Yet folks are constantly asking for more family gameplay and family time together. I thought the breakfast and dinner table is part of that?
Work is more important after all. This so called “realistic” life simulator is suddenly a little too realistic yeah?
Why not upgrade the beds so sims’ energy bar fills faster?
Why not upgrade showers so sims’ hygiene bar fills quicker?
Do folks want more challenging gameplay or not?
I don’t think so. People just want to fast speed through this game and then afterwards tell the community how boring it is….
Anyway, slob sims are great. They use the bathroom without flushing after wards. They never wash their hands. They also use the bathroom while taking a shower. They never clean their plates either. So handy. If you’re an impatient simmer get yourself a slob sim. It works for me. ?
It is indeed a shame that we have to get mods to get the eating speed back to the way it was before. ?