Forum Discussion

serendipity38's avatar
New Spectator
2 years ago

Sims helping other sims to resolve negative traits

Wouldn't it be cool if there was a way for sims,or at least some sims (Say with the nurturing trait or something) to help fellow sims (perhaps they'd have to be good friends or closer) resolve each other's negative traits (Like "Jealous" for example)? Then the sim that was helped to work through their issues (Anger Management for the Hot Headed sims! *LOL*) could get a new trait to replace the old negative one, or perhaps the opposite trait of the negative one (Evil sims becoming good, etc.). I would like to formally petition for this! A real therapist career in the game would be awesome!
  • SheriSim's avatar
    Seasoned Hotshot
    That would be cool! Right now you can help resolve some fears by completing a want and then talking to another sim about your fear.
  • I like the idea of a therapist career. And treating traits would be cool if we are in total control of such changes. I worry NPCs could talk my non played sims into changing their personality, and I'd dislike that. If only being able to actively played sims, fine :)

    An alternative could be that traits were faded rather than replaced. I'm not sure is trait A would become more dominant if trait B was faded, though. Perhaps we would not see much of a difference unless the entire trait system was adjusted.