Interesting topic. I've often wondered the same - simulated or not, they're meant to represent real people so it's obvious many of them are based on real ethnicities, nationalities, and races.
- I'd pin Salim Benali to be Arab based on his name.
- Zoe Patel is Indian.
- Lee (for Liberty Lee) is a common surname in many countries, notably Korea, China, and Vietnam, so who knows what she is.
- Don is widely believed to be Italian, but I also read that the word lothario has Spanish origins.
- Mitchell Kalani is Hawaiian, as is Kai Kahue, Keala Hoapili, the Kealohas, and the Kahananuis. Oliana Ngata is Māori.
- The Delgatos in Brindleton Bay.. well, their surname means "of the cat" in Spanish..
"OEII1001;c-17739240" wrote:
Fun fact -- in my canon, Candy Behr's real name is Miyoko. She hates it; thinks it sounds too ethnic so she goes by her stage name. Her sister calls her Miyoko when they fight because it really winds Candy up.
Haha, I love that! Miyoko is a cute name. :) I can totally see Candy frowning and swiping at Yuki's head when she calls her Miyoko.