Forum Discussion

GalacticGal's avatar
Seasoned Ace
4 years ago

So Very Satisfying …

…when the Sim parents work in concert with each other. The youngest child in my family is a Child Sim. His older siblings are all Teen Sims at this moment. Adrian can't seem to help himself. He keeps breaking out the paint, or the cocoa, flour and sugar to make messes on the floor. This house is an ancient house, refurbished by his great-granduncle. His mother caught him and she gave him Time-Out. But, then Adrian couldn't take his punishment like a Sim, he had to get sassy with his mother. So, she Grounded him.

Suddenly, the little imp, is no longer in Time-Out, but instead he's in the livingroom, practicing the piano. (Mom took music away for the day.) Dad, a School Teacher is in the diningroom where he just finished grading papers. His wife enters the room and sits at the table. Adrian has already thought to himself that these 'barriers' were only in his head, and that nobody could stop him. Then he hoped nobody caught him as he broke Grounding, too. Well, after the conversation Dad had with his wife, he walks into the livingroom and taking a chair very close by the piano, proceeds to scold his youngest child. Ha! /Busted you little twerp!

Forgive me, but this was long in coming. I most recently had to restart this family, but Adrian has been at these antics relentlessly, even in the save prior to this one. It should be noted I play with Autonomy On. This was the parent Sims doing what all parents should do, without my direction. I'm a very proud Watcher. LOL

Please share your very satisfying moments of gameplay.
  • Don't you just love it when sims do what they're supposed to do? It's as if mom was complaining to dad that Adrian had been a rotten little sim and she had had enough. So, dad being her partner, lays down the law. A united front and all of that.
  • It was great! Adrian has been a pain in the backside. This is yet another iteration of the family. I updated a Mod to it's newer version and it went a tad wonky. Longer story short, I had to restart, the Restart. LOL But Adrian is still a spoiled brat.
  • My sim has a friend group of four. They showed up at the cafe, ordered, then one sim started cracking jokes, he is a comedy sim, and everybody was laughing. Then my sim, and two of her friends grabbed their drinks, sat at the same table. The last sim was talking to the worker, slipped because she is clumsy, then she picked up her food, sat with the rest of her friends. This was all autonomous, but all of the sims were acting like their traits and skills. One of the sims, a romantic, was flirting with her boyfriend, too.
  • My sims are new parents and they got a laptop. The dad autonomously uses it to research parenting. :smile: