Seasons - 3 points (food stalls)
High School Years - 3 Points (rage-to-riches friendly world)
OutDoor Retreat - 2 Points (herbs, outdoor items)
Spa Day - 2 Points (mini Fridge, yoga mat)
Tiny Living - 1 Point (Tier 1 Lot Trait)
Home Chef Hustle - 1 point (off grid refrigeration, Crocs)
Cool Kitchen Stuff - 1 Point (diet icecream)
Nifty Knitting - 1 point (Plopsy, Metal Music, toys, rug)
Laundry Day - 1 Point (herbal scented laundry, sink, carpets)
Sorry that I have edited this a couple times. The reality of playing with a limited number of decks reveals unexpected problems and solutions. Some of my favorite things needed to be sacrificed for the greater whole.