Forum Discussion

amjoie's avatar
Seasoned Novice
2 years ago

SPOILERS for Dreadhorse Caverns: What you need in the inventory at different levels

I thought maybe some people might appreciate a spoiler or two if they get stuck on a level, so I thought we could pool knowledge to help out someone who is stuck.

The first thing you will need is a sheep in your inventory to get past the "baa" door.

The goose needs to be fed prairie grass.

To defeat the dino you will need red meat, and more than one, because the dino repeats a few times.

To put out the fire, you need a glass of water that you get from the sink. The fire repeats, so have more than one glass.

For the gnome I had a cup of chamomile tea, a cup of coffee, and a sleeping bag. I think it was the coffee that worked.

The gnome rog needs prairie grass nectar. That is as far as I have gotten, so far.

On another forum, some people say they have "finished" and said when you do, you will know it. Apparently you can go back and continue quests, just for fun, after you finish, so the code makes it look like it goes on forever. But people have reported that there is an end. No one has said how many levels, yet. But one person was on 31 and not yet finished, so plan on the long haul. That is why I felt we might need a spoiler thread. :)

Feel free to ask questions and give answers. I won't be able to make it very far on my own. I do not do well at this kind of thing, as a general rule, so I will not be much help beyond the start of this thread.

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