Forum Discussion

brenjay91's avatar
2 years ago

Spring Road Map?

Was just wondering if you all think there is going to be a road map for spring April - July potentially?
Or do you think they will do a 6 month road map from April - October? And what do you expect with the new road map. My theory is we are near the end but not at the end, I think we have all the rest of 2023, and I also think all of 2024. I think 2024 is going to be the last big year of the sims 4, but I actually still think it will continue into 2025 but it won’t last the whole year. Because I think the sims 5 is being planned for the year 2025. But I think it’s going to release towards the end of the year of 2025, the earliest I think would be the end of September 2025, but I think they could decide to not release it until end of November 2025 or beginning of December 2025 even. I think 2024 will be the last big year of content of the sims 4 and I think 2025 will be tidying up everything in the game and more last updates to it, and 2025 will be more about hyping up the next game. But it probably won’t release until the end of 2025, almost 2026. So I think it’s safe to say we have almost 3 years left of the sims 4. Or 2 1/2 years. I don’t think 2023 or 2024 is going to slow down on content. 2025 will slow down a lot. Just speculation.