7 years agoSeasoned Ace
Stalls need vendors on public lots
It looks like when I place a food stall on a public lot, it is not automatically populated by a NPC. Instead I am required to hire the person for $100. I was in the middle of building a nice shopping center when I got the suspicion that it would not work. I was right. It doesn't make sense for my sim to hire a person for $100 when it is a public lot.
Food stalls seem to populate when they are placed in common areas in the neighborhood. Do I need to assign the lot as lounge or something? Right now it is generic lot. Bars seem to auto-populate when I place it in a lounge or restaurant.
Food stalls seem to populate when they are placed in common areas in the neighborhood. Do I need to assign the lot as lounge or something? Right now it is generic lot. Bars seem to auto-populate when I place it in a lounge or restaurant.