"Simmingal;c-18350326" wrote:
I think its more about how many objects and different objects are on one lot/neighborhood less about how many packs were used
like if you used 10 different wallpapers or 5
probably not about if those wallpapers came from same pack
and probably more about having less stuff rather than just using everything from one pack
I do think items with lots of movement are probably one thing you could limit if performance is the worry or like massive pool on every lot is probably not good idea :sweat_smile:
I wanted to say almost the same. The amount of items on a lot is more important than the number of packs to make a starter save run smoothly. Try to avoid lots with tons of clutter.
Some youtubers who created lots for EA have talked about restrictions to make the game run smoother on lower end PC. There was a max amount of objects. I don't know how much. But also no move objects and trying to avoid choosing many different objects. (for example fewer wall papers instead of each room a different one.)
You can also think about whether or not you want to use cc in a starter save. Since cc can break or slow down the game, I personally try to avoid it.
"Simmingal;c-18350534" wrote:
I started rebuilding my worlds 5 years ago and I still don't really have complete worlds or neighborhoods
you can definitely sink whole lot of time in this
I do jump between worlds fair bit though so thats at least part of the reason
and having to redo some builds i did at start cause I'm like okay no I can do better than that now :lol:
Making an own save file is a lot of work. That's why my personal save file is not a totally new one but rather an edit of the maxis one. I replaced or edited some lots which I was doing over and over for every save. Things like having a spa, restaurants and a bowling alley ready in my save and of course a decent magic realm and magic shops. I added some of my favourite sims and fixed absurd cold weather outfits of premades.If I would share my save you could easily play a 'spot the differences' kind of game. :) 80 or 90% is unchanged but the 10% or so that is changed, makes the game more fun for me personally.