I have things to do, though there's this struggle between how to execute my plans and when to. I find I quickly get attached to my sims, which is why I play with aging off, but then I find it hard to actually age up my sims/start a lasting romantic relationship/move them out/get them married - in other words progress their story - because in some cases I don't know if I'll care later on to follow that story, if that makes sense.
For example recently in my rotation I aged up a child sim to teen, who has been a child for rl years at this point. I really needed to catch him up with the rest of my aging population. And I did technically age him up a few years back but then I lost that save and waited until recently to try again.
On my first attempt I found myself not caring so much for that sim as I did when he was a child. It's like he lost his charm. This time I thought I'd play out his story differently and doing so made me want to continue it again.
Basically what I'm saying is I want my sims to age and move on with their lives but I struggle in doing so due to my attachment to where they are in their current life stage/part of the story. It's a little sad to let things go. LOL I think that is one reason why I rotate between so many households. Like an excuse to delay progressing the stories of my favourite sims. :lol: