"Goth583;c-16402462" wrote:
I don't see what the big deal is, this has been happening since TS2. I've had sims who were naturally attracted to the same sex, and I just roll with it. I don't control my sims THAT much. I watch them when they are in groups and I see who they are building up a relationship with the quickest, which usually means there is also an attraction there. When they added the Turn on/off system in TS2, I had sims falling for the same sex all the time just based on those attractors. I never knew Summer was a lesbian though, she's not at all aggressive in my game (if she's still alive. last time I saw her she was an elderly cook at a restaurant).
It's not the same thing. If you're playing a legacy and throwing a big wedding, you don't want to suddenly contend with the founder switching attraction preferences at the heir's wedding. And this glitch just started happening in the last few weeks, even though TS4 has been out since 2014.
Summer is quite aggressive in every neighborhood I play. She went to the Romance Festival with Ulrike Faust in one and started hitting on her autonomously there. In another, she had interactions available with Liberty that Sims normally only get when they have a fairly high Romance Bar (like "Confess Attraction"). Liberty rejected her advances. And then there was that screen cap I got of her chatting with Miko online - her fun was deep into the red and she would not sign off to do something fun. And the hearts kept appearing. Like Liberty, Miko rejected her. She's almost as bad as the Cow Mascot in TS2. In fact, I wonder if she IS the Cow Mascot in disguise...