Supernatural Sims in the Afterlife?
Do we know yet how supernatural sims like Werewolves, Vampires, Mermaids, or Spellcasters will work as ghosts once they die> I assume they would lose their associated powers and develop ghost powers instead... but how about rebirth? If they retain some of their mortal traits, would these also include their supernatural traits that they had before death?
So.. THIS happened. Unexpectedly.
Last night I made a new sim so that I could create a new vampire... I only became one last night and barely got a chance to play as a vamp. Instead, I took him to the library to research vamp stuff and then out to get some frogs. Apparently within a couple sim hours, he burned to death. As he laid on the ground dying, I panicked and quickly used the testing cheat to make him all happy.. then grim asks me if I want him to be a playable ghost, so I clicked yes. And then returned him to his home... he just got a job and I guess it's business as usual. I don't have the new EP because it hasn't been released yet. However, I still have vampire powers as a ghost. So in case anyone else was wondering... this was a complete mistake but I got the answer to my question.