Forum Discussion

Foxley828's avatar
New Spectator
3 years ago

Teen Male with Female Voice

My male sim grew up to a teenager today and he has a female voice! I have tried changing it in CAS but it's just female voice available. It's horrible! Anyone else having this problem??? Totally ruining the game for me. I saw this problem happened in 2017 was there ever a fix or is there a work around please?

Only mod I have is MCC Command Centre which is fully up to date. (Updated to latest version yesterday). I don't have any other CC activated at the moment.

Thank you.

7 Replies

  • I'd tried but I'm sorry I don't know how to post an image here, but it's just a voice in CAS I have to turn it right down to the 'sweet' icon to get him to even sound a bit deeper than female. It's when he talks you can tell it's a female voice - and when he laughs it's definitely female. Ugh!
  • LadyKyn's avatar
    Seasoned Scout
    3 years ago
    Did you try swapping his gender to female to male and see if you get the option? Had it happen a lonnng time ago and it had given me the option back idk if it'll do the same for you
  • I had something similar few years ago. CAS would occasionally give sims the wrong gender voice. It happened in creating the sim though, so it was easy to fix. This was long before the recent gender/sexuality focus was added.

    Will you get more voice options if you use the cas.fulleditmode cheat?
  • Hi and thanks for the replies. Ladykyn yes I tried swapping to female then back to male but it didn't make any difference. And yes Simmerville I did try the cas.fulleditmode cheat still no difference but here's the thing. If I make a brand new teen in CAS no voice problem the males talk like males it just seems to be if they age up in a family they speak like a female. However, I haven't tried it with more than one teen in a family so maybe it's just a glitch with that one teen. I'll age up another one and find out.
  • Make sure to back out of CAS mode and go back to live mode when you activate the cas.fulleditmode cheat, then go back into CAS to edit the teen. The CAS cheat won't activate when you are in CAS mode, found that out the hard way lol
  • Thank you for that I'll try that one! I aged up another child in the same family - male and he's talking normally! No female voice there! So I suppose it was just a glitch with that one teen. Maybe he's trying to tell me something? :D Anyway I'm glad it's not a permanent bug. Going to try aging up the female speaking teen and see if if his voice changes. I was having trouble with the game when he aged up and had to repair it twice which fixed a few things so maybe something just broke with him.
    Thank you anyway for all your replies they were all helpful and gave me hope for fixing this one sim. :)