I definitely think teens could use an overhaul! It goes back to what many have already said & that's teens don't react to their traits or mood swing & parents don't react to their behavior. Those phases such as rebellious mean nothing if they never actually act out. Why should I have to use my imagination if the game mechanics from emotions to traits doesn't work? When you have had 15+ years of this game....& have been playing it from day 1 & have seen how teens operated in TS2 or TS3, it's hard for me to think how they react now in TS4 is OK. Maybe if I didn't have anything to compare it to, it would be wishful thinking. But I do have something to compare it to. & teens had so much they could do in both TS2 and TS3, that separated them from adults. & I felt teens acted like teens. The sneaking out, was awesome in TS2. & boy oh boy did the parents react....I can remember that message that popped up something to the effect of 'I didn't raise you like this'. The parents looked frustrated & the relationship with the child would tank, the teen would get a memory. I felt there were consequences to actions. There was no happy moodlet to overpower the anger that the parent was feeling. They were mad....relationship dropped, end of story. It was perfect! & now in TS4, as many have pointed out teen breaks curfews and the parents don't even react. & if they do react, there's a happy moodlet somewhere to overpower any anger they were feeling at the moment. It's hard to imagine an angry parent when they're hugging their child & all happy after their kid comes home late. For a game that's main selling point was emotions.....emotions just don't seem to work in this game to me. How my Sims react to that stupid talking toilet every time they see it, is how I would love my Sims to react in their every day life...whether, it's positive or negative.