"frogkiss1;d-937473" wrote:
So I am starting to hate when my teens have mood swings. The way they arch there back and drag there feet, and move slower then heck around the house is rather annoying. They come home, and it takes them two sim hours to get from the front door to do the homework, and then another three to eat. Forget it, I am like do your homework and go to bed stinky, hungry, and with a full bladder because it will take you two days just to get all that done. I failed a birthday party because of the mood swing they took forever to get to the cake to blow out the candles and the event ended before they got there.
You sound like my real life neighbor whose (almost) 13 year old girl and 15 year old son is really driving her nuts with their "hissy fits" she calls them. It's a real thing and is supposed to drive parents bonkers in real life - so glad to see it well duplicated in game. Now teens can see what they are actually like to live with during their mood rantings.
I tell you I would rather live with 4 toddlers going through the terrible twos over just 1 teen age 12-15/16 when they are moody - which is most of the time. I ask myself though - OMG was I once really like that? My mom assures me - I actually was. Funny I don't remember it. LOL.
But in game when I see my teens start getting moody I send them each off on a "volunteer" thing.