3 years agoRising Veteran
Tell me about ballrooms/music rooms :*
I am pretty disgusted right now, I built a larger house 7 bdr, 2 story library yada yada forgot the music/ballroom and sure I can slap it down next to the dining room but that would effectively cut off the large windows on each side of the fireplace making a large stupid looking blank wall on each side instead. I ripped out the walls encircling the living room to shove the piano and things in the surrounding area where the hallway was and don't like that either. I want the piano, keyboard, guitar, violin, grande dance floor, and a buffet table with fountain set up like they used to have in proper ballrooms but the best option for placement is the attic or basement or gutting my layout again. I'm trying not to do that if babies are coming in a few hours though since the basement needs repaired and everything needs detailed yet. Let's discuss instead of being disgusted! :D