Forum Discussion

ParmaViolet87's avatar
5 years ago

The Fruitcake is Truly Evil....

I have not had one Sim who likes fruitcake. Is my game cursed? I am so frustrated with this cake...Is it really worth the 4 or 5 hour uncomfortable moodlet?

One was sitting in my Sim's hall....I didn't know it was there as it was so well hidden. She got to it before I could click her away, just before I planned to send her on a date. Her date didn't go well, because...THE FRUITCAKE IS CURSED.

Even my moodlet mods can't get rid of its effects. It truly is evil.

22 Replies

  • My sims usually hate it, and what funny is that no one else who show up for the welcome wagon, including the sim who brings it, help themselves to some either. So, as soon as everybody have left, into the bin it goes! xD
  • I have a vampire sim who has the loves fruitcake trait lol! Every time I play one of my other sims, he winds up coming over to visit and starts enthusing about fruitcake. It makes me laugh everytime. Poor dude has the withered stomach trait too so I catch him eating it and then throwing up in public just to eat more. I guess he really does love fruitcake. :smiley: