I woke up with a weird thought, what if The Sims were a virtual reality game next? then logical side of me asked myself how would that work? Because innovation has to go somewhere from here doesn't it? But when I/player would interact with the 'Sim' I would be like wth, because they would be speaking Simlish and I wouldn't understand a dang thing they were talking about, lol, so that right there told me, no, Sims will never be a virtual reality game any time soon. It would no longer be The Sims if they did. But I'm not sure they have any amazing innovation left in them anymore to amaze someone like me.
So the next big innovation for this series is going to have to come from a different direction rather than think it could go in that direction as the next big innovation. Improbable, when I think about it.
Bucket list: Did it, done it, tried it, saw it, been there, not new, nope, had this or that twenty years ago etc. Sad. :*