I think sexism has nothing to do with targeting teen girls. They are who are playing this game and they are who has made it so successful. So, in that respect yes, they must like this version very much. So, thinking EA or Maxis is putting them into some sort of stereotype category (even if they were) has actually worked for this, it's raked in a billion compared to the other iterations. But the problem is, I'm not a teen girl and it's too childish and cheery for me. It's like being part of the Star Wars culture back in my day when they went from a believable set of circumstances (with adults) in one and two and then when it came to the third and last the fighting force was Ewoks instead of Wookie Warriors. They had planned on the saving force to the end of that saga to be the tall, strong, Wookiee race, and instead setteled for the cute and fluffy and childish teddy bear like creature. So more five year olds could enjoy the movie more, and cheer for the loveable, cuddly Ewoks, and SW fans hated that. It totally distroyed anyone actually wanting to revisit the next iterations and find out how Luke became Darth Vadar's son. They had totally thrown over their nine-twelve year old audience for the five year old. (And because of this no one will value the next iterations of the toys as highly collectible like the first Luke or other figures so many people and kids hoarded for years) No one gives a hoot all that much about what followed after that final saga to the original stories. (At least not the core fanbase of those movies).