Sims 4 has the best graphics and runs smoothly, but Sims 2 and 3 had the best Sims personalities. Sims 4 sims personalities dull, boring, flat, lifeless making the game dull boring flat and all the personalities is exactly the same no matter what traits you different outcome. Sims 4 does not have enough "meat"...gameplay...feels hollow, shallow. I miss world adventures as well. Sims 2 and 3 I could play for hours and hours without was that addictive. Sims 4 is tedious, everything is oversimplified and there are no consequences to your traits. I don't even know what the sims 4 are talking about, in sims 2 and 3 you could understand what the sims are talking about. I don't know why a sim in sims 4 is upset, crying etc. In Sims 2 and 3 I had empathy with my sim and loved their stories. I really am seriously disappointed with Sims 4. Sims 4 is VERY BORING. I cannot play it its too boring. There is not much to do in Sims 4 and the SIMS ARE BORING. Their personalities is boring. I have never felt bored with sims 2 and 3 and I think it is because of the traits, personalities that the sims has, story telling. There's also not a lot to do in Sims 4. I have all the packs of sims 2,3,4.