6 years ago
The I'm Bored Thread
I don't think I'm the only one. I would like to hear from others like me who are bored with the game and or the entire franchise. I think my boredom is starting to spill over into the entire franchi...
"MidnightAura;c-17259121" wrote:"DragonCat159;c-17259083" wrote:
If their true aimed for teenage girls (which is a foolish of itself, because wteff does that mean?) and not CM idea to think of a scapegoat justification why TS4 is plum in the series, than it's insulting of itself that wants to shovely define what teenage girls like and don't like in the game. There's no clear suggestion that it suggested the game is marketed to player who happen be of XX chromose possers, nor does that range is limited to players of 10-14 year olds. I would say Maxis is trying to deliver, intentionally or not, to players of any gender, that are between of a late child to young adults. Why else would Maxis make addition for their promo ad of young adult volunters, as well shoving things that anyone of millennial generation could relate since social media is prominent forte of theirs.And our game, I don’t know if you’re aware, our game is targeted mostly at teenage girls, which is an oddity in gaming, but they’re and they are very much for inclusion and they don’t like bullying, you know, but we can’t always talk to teenage girls, so we talk to the people who talk to them, and through them sharing their stories and the promotions on social media, you know we’re always highlighting new ways, like this creator has a great story going on with this series that’s talking about a very tragic moment in their “Sims” life, but it’s actually based on their real life, so how do we highlight that to allow people to feel comfortable to talk about those things. So sometimes it’s a little difficult depending on what I’m trying to do, but we at least try and promote things on social media all the time, and make sure our lists are diverse of people we reach out to, and I encourage people constantly, whether you’re a storyteller, or you know, you’re just a let’s player, I’m like, share things with me, I can’t see everything, but please if you see something fun, or you see someone’s bringing up an issue where they don’t feel like they’re represented, share it with me because I can share with the studio and make that something that they look at and say, how can we do this right and how can we include this in the game as a natural fit and not feel like we just shoved it to shove it in. We want everyone to feel comfortable, but I need the help of my community to do that.
Quote from the former Sim Guru Drake. Source: https://simsvip.com/2017/09/03/pax-west-simgurudrake-talks-managing-sims-community/
Either Drake or Kate also confirmed their audience is teen girls on Instagram with rich parents on twitter but it appears the tweets have been deleted.
"Felicity;c-17261214" wrote:
It's funny how we view teen girls (speaking as the mother of two young women and two young men). Vapid, vain, and stupid. Pumpkin spice lattes become popular with teen girls? It becomes a huge joke, because teen girls like them (they're delicious, btw, but not the point I'm making). A musician becomes popular with teen girls? They must be terrible because, well, teen girls like them. Etc. And I see that attitude from all over the spectrum. If something is popular with teen girls, it must be trash because reasons.
Add to it devs not talking to teen girls, but instead talking to people who talk to teen girls. That's ridiculous. Often people who work with teen girls see the surface pettiness and drama that all teens get involved with (yet only girls are faulted for it).