I wish there was Negative stuff in sims 4.
There's no consequences. There's no fear, no worry, nothing. Sims don't care if they lose their job since they can get another one instantly just by calling in. You don't get evicted from your house for not paying the bills, but the services do get turned off, eventually. After that nothing else happens.
Children and Teens don't get bullied or have fights with their friends and only come home bored, embarrassed or stressed. I want a kid to come home angry maybe.
Nobody cares or even acknowledges death anymore. They only cry at graves even if they've never met the person. It's just automatic. There's no real care put into the sadness.
Sims who break up in the morning can be back together and engaged by evening. That makes no sense.
Jobs pay too much. Bills take out too little. A sim never has to go hungry to make sure their kids are fed.
A world without negative aspects just brings about a utopia that is never ending and utterly boring. How can you see the good without the bad?