Innovation is definitely what we need. That being said, I don't at all believe its the fault of the team. EA makes the decision, the suits that are delivering the business plan for the game, the profitable trajectory that they have in mind...they are the rope that ties the team's hands. I think everyone who is in this business to create content wants nothing more than to be creative. But in the end, they have to do their jobs within the constraints created by their employers.
And so, there will be innovation when it is most profitable to deliver it which would be in the next iteration of Sims, Sims 5. They'll put out the new base game. Then, they'll begin the long slog of parceling out all of the planned expansion packs right on schedule all over again. The course has no doubt already been plotted. And, when the last one drops, they'll kick off the dust, add one fresh ingredient, and kick-start the machine back into action all over again.
And so we'll rejoin the long slog, dabbing up the crumbs of a similar schedule of dispersed expansions along with a couple of surprises strategically integrated to maintain our interest and perpetuate our purchases.
Here's hoping the new game has exciting and unexpected innovation that will make it worth our while to get back on the merry go round. Shameful, I know, but I'll admit I'm looking forward to it. What a masochist. But, I'm sure I'm not alone and that I'll see most of you right next to me trotting away on the next great hamster wheel of perpetual shakedown. Addicts, all of us.
Hi, my name is Candice and I'm a Simaholic.
All together now, *conducting* "Hello, Candice"
I've been sober for...Aw, who am I kidding? *hands EA her credit card*