Edit: removed a sentence that was none of my business, lol.
Anyway, I do get bored when playing Sims 4. I can have fun, don't get me wrong. It just doesn't engross me as the other Sims games have. I wonder if it's more for story telling instead of just playing the game. I see a lot of people on the threads here that talk about the stories they are going to tell and go really into depth with their story with things that just aren't possible. I love hearing their stories, but it really just doesn't happen when you play.
I don't tell stories. I just play the game. That's why the earlier sims games were better for me, because I could actually play something...the game gave me tools, threw me curves, let me explore, let the stories I suppose come naturally instead of me planning every thing in advance and pretending it's happening in the game? I don't know if it makes sense what I'm trying to convey.
But anyway -- that's why I get bored with Sims 4. I want the game to help me move the story along, I don't want to create something in advance and just pretend it's happening when I play. Maybe if I took dozens of pictures and wrote a blog about a story I created I could see Sims 4 really being a great tool. I just want to sit and play with just a vague notion and see what happens as I play...see what my decisions bring to me. I like the surprises the older games gave me I guess.
I do want to say that I'm impressed with a lot of the stories people tell with their sims, some of them are very creative and I love to read about them. But I don't want to tell stories, I just want to have fun and play a game.