1. Get together
2. Cats & Dogs
3. City living
4. Get to work
Get together - can be a very handy tool for npc control and fleshing out my own sims. In fact, I wish it was more powerful, with more tiers for required skill levels, more types of prequesites (like "has been abducted", "has been to Sylvan Glades", "can pickpocket", "lives in Newcrest") and an option to continue the prefered behaviour also outside active club outings (for example for rival clubs the Renegades wouldn't stopp being mean to the Paragons when meeting them at the mall while the Paragons would probably consider being mean to the Renegades outside sheduled outings a breach of etiquette.)
C&D - I never expected to miss my virtual cats that much when I'm playing other households. The animations are spot-on as are the pet voices... miss real purring, but a human voice actor probably wouldn't be able to do that. Dog training looks interesting, but I haven't played with my dog much to judge. Sadly genetics are shallow, a solid cat bred to a pointed one should be able to produce a pointed one with the solid's color (f.e. chocolade point to solid black should be able to have seal point kittens instead of either black or chocolade point). Also I wouldn't have bought that without the control pets mod.
CL - apartments as well as the festivals disappoint. I already made over the lot next to the festival to flesh it out a little more, but I wish we could make them happen wherever we want. As a discount purchase it is okay and without aforementionmed mod CL would rank equally or above C&D.
Get to work - has little content I'm interested in, just the aliens and the sciency build/buy stuff, so it ranks lower than it probably could. Missed opportunity to do a retail and a space exploration game pack seperately.
Game packs:
2. Outdoor retreat
3. Vampires
4. Parenthood
Objectively I think Spa Day and Vampires are the best made packs, but Spa day isn't something I'm interested in and vampires too situational.
Outdoor retreat is as versatile as Get together as long as you do not run out of ideas what to do with Granite Falls. The world and furniture alone are worth the purchase imo. I also love how we can change the lot types and the bar night invites pull sims to Granite Falls for a short trip if we have a bar there.
Vampires is well done, allows for customisation of campires and other supernaturals (stretching a little, but possible). But in the end is only useful for saves where the supernatural exist.
Parenthood has an interesting concept, but the actual appliccation leaves a lot to be desired. Neutral parents with no traits from character values should be able to praise good and bad behaviour alike, only parents with positive reward traits should be locked from praising bad behaviour. Volunteering should raise empathy only for the sim who started it (in case of a minor dragged along by an adult the minor probbably only does so because they have to). Positive values increase is too quick, in reality scolding is more often met with anger or sadness than instant boosts in the desired quality. Value loss is insignificant in an unmodded game. Closing on a positive note I do love the phonecalls from school and the asking for advice feature (once unlocked via mod for the player to use - allowing that interaction for autonomous only was a uge slap in the face for no free will players).
As for Dine out, seems I get more out of Get to work, after all, because with GT installed I never felt the need to buy Dine out, too.
SPs: This is based on how frequently I use the contents
1. Always
Backyard stuff, Cool kitchen
2. Often
Romantic gardens, Luxury party, Spooky stuff
3. Sometimes
Laundry Day, Movie hangout, Toddler stuff, Kid's room stuff, Fitness stuff, Perfect patio
4. Don't own
Vintage Glamour, Bowling nights