I'm 13 hours in and so far this is what I have for ya. ;)
First off, my overall impression is wonderful. The game itself has been stable and smooth so far, and I'm excited about that more than anything! I enjoyed TS3, but it did not run smoothly for me, so this has been a huge plus for me in regards to TS4.
Some little things that have bugged me a bit so far...
*I can't eat raw produce that I grow from my inventory? Unless I'm missing something (and I could be hahaha) I can't eat the raw apples and carrots etc that I grow in my garden plots. I have to use them in recipes in order to consume them. I would like to see the option to do more then just plant those items.
*Dancing and watching TV lock you into static queues. I get why the game does this, but it's a little frustrating because if you don't remember to cancel the TV or dancing interaction before you zip off to manage other members of your household, your sim will still be dancing or watching TV with a full queue stacked up when you return. LOL
*The interface feels less user friendly. Switching between floors in live play is awkward with the mouse. I've never been one to use the hotkeys in TS1, 2, or 3, but TS4 has cured me of that stubborn refusal. hahaha Now that I've memorized the hotkeys, though, moving through my game feels more fluid.
* I still miss the color wheel in CAS, but I'm getting over it. lol
* No makeup options for children in CAS. I was kind of bummed out by this and do hope to see some in the future.
*I haven't experienced any bugs that I've noticed, yet, but I'll be sure to let you know if I do!
*You have outdone yourself with pregnancy. I could kiss you! I have truly adored the fact that my sim is no longer a homebound useless talking piece of furniture while pregnant. Being able to wear your normal outfits is glorious, the fact that she can go to work A+ THANK YOU!!!, and I really like the element of surprise with the pregnancy time frame itself. That it's not a static 3 days is just awesome. Pregnancy tests too, the whole kit and kaboodle that comes along with pregnancy is just wonderful. Well done!
*Clicking on a single plant to weed or water continues the weed and water interaction with the rest of the garden. I like how I only have to click on one plant to have my sim take care of the whole garden. The fact that plants can evolve when taken care of properly to yield more and higher quality produce is a great feature as well. I like what I've seen with gardening so far!
*How my sims find gems and animals in the wild now is a lot of fun. Actually mining up the gem is a nice change of pace, and when my sim stuck her hand inside a log for the first time I was a little squeamish. hahaha I was worried something bad was going to happen to her, but when she produced a frog I was pretty thrilled! This is a nice touch, and a refreshing spin on collectibles.
*The interface is smooth and the performance of the game in general for me has been spectacular. Well done.
*I like that all objects that break have the chance to be repaired but also replaced without having to go into build mode. After repairing, it's awesome that you get a pile of spare parts. I'm excited to see what I can do with these parts later on in my sim's story.
*Children are more independent and I truly enjoy this! Thank you for revamping children the way you have. They can actually DO things in the world to improve their skills in a meaningful way. Thank you for removing the learning cap. I always found it idiotic that children capped out on how much they could learn in TS3, and I am overjoyed to see you have removed that handicap on them and expanded their interactions. The toys, utilities, and social options that now accompany the children life stage are spectacular. I can't wait to see what teens can do!
*The atmosphere in the game is great. The floating leaves and blossoms that blow through the air on gentle breezes add a lot of ambiance to the game. Even though there are no seasons, these great effects trick you into feeling like the weather is changing. Very smooth play there. lol I enjoy this feature a lot! The fireflies in the evening are also a great ambiance touch. Well done!
*Population! Sims sims everywhere!!! If the price of loading screens means my game will stay this populated with sims, then I will gladly pay it! I have never seen so many sims running past my house, in the park, at the venues. This is wonderful. I feel like my sim lives in a legitimate community. She sees so many sims passing her home and hanging out on the jogging trail near her home. It's impressive that I have this feeling of connection with the sims in the community in a game where there is no open world. Well done on this design. It's a hard thing to pull off, but so far so good. I'm impressed.
That's it for now. I miss a lot of my EP features from TS3, but as far as Sim Base Games are concerned, this one has been the best by far. Thank you!!! Smooth launch and smooth playing. I'm a very happy simmer!!!