As someone who is from California, I can tell you that's probably why lol. I think I saw snow that was actually snow (Meaning quite a few inches that stuck around for a few days) maybe like a couple of times as a kid in the 90's. That being said, now that I'm older, I've seen and felt real snow from up north when I visited family and it's no joke how flipping cold it gets and what you need to wear. I think sometimes the devs forget that there are so many players that come from all around the world and when it comes to a lot of chosen styles for the weather I think they should have really done their research. Luckily, there are many CC creators who make earmuffs and other proper headgear for the cold, but I really think they should revamp them for those who don't want to put CC in their game. As others have mentioned hats can be weird in general and I think a lot of older content should be revisited and updated. At least once the game has come to a closing.