Forum Discussion

Kyr0e's avatar
New Spectator
3 years ago

There are sharks in Britechester's waters?!

My sims were swimming down by Foxbury, when all of a sudden one of them starts calling out frantically. I pan over to see a fin in the water swimming past her, and the "Fin Fear" scared moodlet pop up.

Why are there sharks in university waters?

I know shark attacks are a type of death (and that it can kill vampires), but I'll be honest in saying I don't know much about the death itself. Do they kill in any type of water, or only deep, Sulani-based water?
  • EgonVM's avatar
    Seasoned Ace
    "KyreRoen;c-18134414" wrote:
    Alrighty, thank you for testing and clarifying. Seems I can leave my "What Can and Cannot Kill Vampires?" alone for now.

    Wow that's an impressive discussion behind the link. You have really put a lot of work into it. I'll save the link so I can have a read sometime later.
  • Kyr0e's avatar
    New Spectator
    You're welcomed in anytime.
    Thanks again, and calm seas and fair winds until the next feature that throws me for a loop.
  • bshag4lv's avatar
    Seasoned Scout
    Hi KyreRoen, I can testify that vampires can die by dryer fire. I was playing Vlad and sure enough, he died from a lint fire in the dryer...oops.
  • Kyr0e's avatar
    New Spectator
    I presume you tested the water garden as well?
  • Kyr0e's avatar
    New Spectator
    So effectively the two deaths are classed the same, but work differently, as I thought. One is normal drowning, whilst the other is a moodlet-based "drowning". Correct?
  • Kyr0e's avatar
    New Spectator
    I was only wondering about the parameters of the shark-related death. I had already confirmed that vampires can die of fire.

    I'm slightly confused, however, as to what prompted you to "testify" to that.